3285 Buffalo Rd
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 247-4190

We believe:
Everything we have is a gift from God;
Stewardship is the responsible care and use of these gifts;
We should thankfully return a percentage of our time, talent and treasures to perform God’s work within our parish and throughout the global community;
and Stewardship is a year round commitment.

Personal Health

Stewardship of our personal health includes caring for ourselves spiritually, emotionally and physically.  Also included are the relationships that are entrusted to us, personal finances, and our time.

Children & Youth

We have the responsibility to teach our children and youth to be good stewards of what God has given them. This is done through education, example and incorporating them into all aspects of Stewardship and parish life.

Time and Talent

Giving back of our time and our talents to help the parish fulfill its mission and carry out its many ministries and programs.

Building & Grounds

We are responsible for the care of Epiphany’s property and physical plant. This includes maintaining the building and grounds including the memorial garden, keeping up with necessary repairs, and insuring we have the funds necessary for growth and improvements.


Fundraising at Epiphany has included working the concession stands at Frontier Field and holding an Auction. The proceeds of the fundraising efforts go towards the parish and outside ministries.

Environmental Stewardship

We coordinated 7 Recycling Fairs in recent years.  Generally held on the same weekend as the Rummage Sale, this was a great partnership and a natural fit.  Working with the Rummage Team, Regional Computer Recycling & Recovery, and Rochester Data Storage, we collected electronics, document shredding and sneakers.

Extraordinary Giving

Provides the congregation the opportunity to give to various charities, including Epiphany, outside of the annual pledge. These are divided into three categories:

Seasonal Giving – Donations for Ash Wednesday, Easter, Easter Flowers, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas Flowers.

Inside Mission – These gifts stay within the parish and include the Rector’s Discretionary Fund, Endowment Fund, Memorial Fund, Capital Funds and support for our youth through the JVB Scholarship, and Karen C. Marr Memorial Award.

Outside Mission – This includes gifts to the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund, United Thank Offering, Episcopal Relief and Development, CAP, SWEM, the Good Friday Offering which supports mission in Jerusalem and the Middle East, as well as those supported by Service Ministry.

Planned Giving

Planning for the future of the church by designating a gift to the church as part of estate planning.

Annual Giving

The Fall Financial Pledge Program is the time when we make a financial commitment to God’s mission and our vision for Epiphany.