Worship is central to the life of our parish. We believe that worship connects us with God, each other, and that the Gospel calls us out into our community as agents of change. The shape of our liturgy is meant to be formed and informed with beauty and holiness to reflect the grace and beauty and holiness of God. We seek to create liturgies that reflect God’s radical love and hospitality for all.
Worship with Us
8:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist
This is our contemplative service offering longer moments of silence for reflection. Coffee hour is held before this service at 7:30 A.M. and folks often gather together for breakfast together at a local restaurant.
10:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist
This is our family service with music ranging from handbells, the chancel choir, and the occasional guest musicians. We Live Stream this service to Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/EpiphanyGatesNY/). After the service, coffee hour is held in Fellowship Hall.
Church School
Church School is held at the same time as the 10:00 o’clock service and begins at 9:45 A.M., with children and youth returning from their classes to rejoin with the congregation during the Peace. Church school programs include children & youth in pre-K through 12th grade, ages 4 – 18.
Soft Space & Nursery Available
Soft space is provided within the Sanctuary for younger children to have a space that is just their size, and where parents can still see their children and the children can still listen within a space that makes it possible for them to keep themselves occupied, and where they can still experience the Eucharist.
A Nursery is available for very young children, where parents can take children if needed.
LBGTQi Friendly and Affirming
We are an open and affirming LGBTQi congregation.
Hearing Loop Available
The spoken words of the service are transmitted directly to a listener’s hearing aid device.
Prayer of Invitation
Each Sunday we say a prayer of invitation during our Eucharistic Prayers as a reminder of Jesus’ radical inclusivity and love:
Here is the bread of life, food for the Spirit.
Let all who hunger come and eat.
Here is the fruit of the vine, pressed and poured out for us.
Let all who thirst now come and drink.
We come to make peace.
We come to be restored in the love of God.
We come to be made new as an instrument of that love.
All are worthy. All are welcome.