Remember those Top 5 Mindfulness Categories? If perhaps you don’t, please take some time to read about them on our website
here at: httn://eDinhanv-gatesnv.or2/about/toD-5-mindfulness-categoriesz. In a nutshell our Top 5 Mindfulness Categories are areas within the life of our parish that we as a are focusing on, and asking ourselves how we are doing in each of these categories, and looking for ways to improve, or try out new ideas for living into these Top 5 Mindfulness Categories.
Parish leadership is at the point where we would like everyone in the parish to take some time to think about which one of these Top 5 Mindfulness Categories really resonates with you. Which one of these areas makes you excited to think about and talk about?
To help parish leadership discover which areas you’re really excited about we will host the September Wed Café where we will take a look at each category and folks can asks questions and share their thoughts. Then starting at the beginning of October we will put up paper sheets for folks to put their names down on one and only one paper sheet with the intent of then meeting as individual groups to gather your ideas and thoughts for that specific Category. And in the meantime, if you have questions about all of this,
please talk with Rev. Jimmie Sue or Don Metzinger.