Our Mission is to gather to nurture Christ within, in order to serve Christ in all.
Our vision is to be a compassionate multi-generational community whose members:
- To be a compassionate multi-generational community whose members:
- Worship God with joy and energy in a variety of styles
- Grow in knowledge and love of Christ by participating in many small groups, forums, classes, and retreats
- Are responsive to the needs of our local, national, and global neighbors
- Foster relationships for all through activities involving food, fellowship and fun
- Extend our personal financial resources beyond our fellowship
- Are so transformed by the Spirit that others are attracted and invited into our walk of faith
- We celebrate the Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
- We are an open and affirming LGBTQi congregation
- We strive to always be a place of safety, healing, inclusion, transformation, justice and compassion.
- We work to implement our Mission and Vision through our worship, through our service to others, and by offering a wide variety of ministries that all are welcome to be a part of.
We work to implement our mission and vision by offering a wide variety of ministries.
The Church of the Epiphany is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester and the Episcopal Church.