3285 Buffalo Rd
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 247-4190

Windmill Tour

The Adult Formation Committee is planning a trip to The Windmill Farm and Craft Market on Saturday, October 19th. There are crafts, clothing, produce, housewares and just about anything you can think of. Several local wineries offer tastings, and there are several places to eat. More information can be found at

We will meet in the COE parking lot at 9:15 and leave by 9:30 AM. We will arrive at The Windmill around 11 AM and you can shop, look around and have lunch on your own, then meet back at the cars at around 1:30 and return to Epiphany by about 3:00. A sign-up sheet is posted. Please indicate whether you are willing to drive, and how many you can take. Passengers, please help our your drivers with gas money. Last day to sign
up is Sunday, October 12. Join us for a great time, and bring your friends! Any questions, please see
Cassie Metzinger or Nancy Mancini.