The Service Ministry Team and Epiphany are very active group that focuses on outreach projects to supporting individuals or groups in need.
The hopes and goals of the Service Ministry Team are to:
- Oversee the many ministries supported by Church of the Epiphany parishioners, both within the parish and outside our church.
- Encourage new service projects by supporting individual or group ideas to help others in need.
- Identify a service project every month (or if large project over several months).
- Welcome everyone’s proposals and/or in coordinating a Service Project.

Anyone can drop off donations to the Free Food Pantry Box. Keep in mind the weather, will these donations hold up in hot or freezing temperatures? Please neatly place your donations inside the Food Pantry Box.
Ideas of what to donate to our Free Food Pantry Box:
Non-perishable foods:
- canned goods
- juice
- rice, beans, pasta
- spices, flour, oil, juice
- baby food, breads
Hygiene items:
- soaps
- detergent
- shampoo, hair care items
- diapers
- menstrual products
- toilet paper
- shaving products
Other essentials:
- Hand sanitizer
- Hand warmers
- Dog food & Cat food
We believe that literacy is of vital importance in our community. We were donated our Little Free Library as part of an Eagle Scout project. You can find our Little Free Library along Buffalo Road under the shade of two trees and a raised brick flower bed. Please note, once we get into the Winter Season the Free Little Library gets “put away for the winter.” However, we will place some books into the Little Free Food Pantry Box.
The Books are free, please take as many as you like, and you are also welcome to donate gently used books.
Other ongoing service projects and organizations we support include:
- Church of Epiphany Fiber Ministry team- providing fiber projects for parishioners and other organizations to provide comfort and warmth to others
- Family Promise of Greater Rochester( FPGROC, formerly known as RAIHN)- provide Christmas gifts on an annual basis, other in-kind donations, work projects
- St Theodore’s Food Cupboard- annual “Souper Bowl collection” of canned goods
- Southwest Ecumenical Ministry(SWEM)- assembling Blessing Bags and Christmas meal boxes on an annual basis
- A Meal & More, Inc.- soup kitchen- providing items for their Christmas Bag Project on an annual basis
- Aurora House Comfort Care Home- fiber projects, donations for silent auction
- Hope Hall School- yearly collection of school supplies
- Golisano Children’s Hospital- fiber projects and activity bags for hospitalized youth
- Town of Gates Police Department- Community Service Team- annual donation of Easter Food Boxes
- Cameron Community Ministries- donation of clothing and supplies for their lunch program
- Christian Appalachian Project (CAP)- fund raisers to support this organization in its work addressing poverty and supporting people in eastern Kentucky and across Appalachia.
- Fostering Hope NY, Inc- provide a backpack with books, stuffed animals, journal or coloring book and personal hygiene products for children entering foster care.