Baptism is a Sacrament: an outward and visible sign of inward and invisible non-material reality. Our Book of Common Prayer states: a sacrament is an outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace. Grace is God’s favor toward us, unearned and undeserved; by grace God forgives our sins, enlightens our minds, stirs our hearts, and strengthens our wills.
Baptism: with water has always been the entrance rite of the Christian Church.
- Baptism makes us aware that God loves each one of us with a love that is unmerited, unconditional, and never ending. An indissoluble bond between infant/child/adult and God.
- Baptism with water is in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and provides membership into the Christian Church which is recognized by other traditional churches.
- Baptism begins the lifelong process of growth towards Christ and the newly baptized are given the gift of eternal life.
Checklist and Baptism Form:
- Notify Rector or parish office of the birth of your child or your child’s adoption so that we may share this joyous news with the parish.
- Schedule an appointment with the Rector to discuss baptism. The discussion will include talking about the congregations’s process for baptismal preparation, including classes, the selection of godparents, and upcoming baptismal date.
- Complete and email the parish’s application form (this form can also be emailed or printed upon request) to the Rector.
- Attend the pre-baptismal classes.
- Attend the baptismal rehearsal.
Baptism Form:
(A) Full Name of Candidate for Baptism: _______________________________________________
Date of Birth: __________________
Time of Birth: __________________
Residence: ____________________________________________________________________
City & State of Birth: ____________________________________________________________
Requested Date of Baptism: ______________________
Telephone Number of Parents: ______________________ ________________________
Parent’s Religious Affiliation: ____________________ /_________________________
(B) Full Names (to include Middle Name) of Candidate’s Parents:
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________________
(C) Full Names (to include Middle Name) of Godparents and Church Affiliation:
- ___________________________________ / _______________________________________________
- ___________________________________ / _______________________________________________
- ___________________________________ / _______________________________________________
Statement of Commitment to be completed upon application by the Candidate or Parents:
I desire to be baptized/We desire that our child be baptized because:
Signed: ______________________ ________________________
Mail or email this completed application to the church.
For Office Use Only:
- Met with Rector (date) ____________________________________
- Attended baptismal instruction (date) ________________________