3285 Buffalo Rd
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 247-4190

There are many ways to be an active participant in worship services at Epiphany, both behind the scenes and throughout the service. No matter what your talent, there is a place for you at Epiphany!


Acolytes assist in worship by carrying the Processional Cross, lighting candles, holding the Gospel book, holding candles or torches, handling the Offertory plate, assisting the Deacon or Priest during Communion, and other tasks as directed.

Ushers & Greeters

Ushers & Greeters welcome worshipers into the church service, pass out bulletins and hymnals, receive the weekly money offerings, direct the flow of parishioners during communion and straighten out the pews after the service.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild works “behind the scenes” preparing the sanctuary for services.  They polish the silver, launder linens and change the hangings to reflect the church seasons.  They provide the beautiful floral arrangements each Sunday and for holidays.

Choir & Handbells

The music ministry at Epiphany is committed, energetic, and multi-dimensional, and has two ensembles: the Chancel Choir and the Handbell Choir.

Eucharistic Ministers

As a Eucharistic Minister one’s first and primary ministry is that you are serving as a representative of the laos, the people of God. There is a transformative power and intimacy within the Eucharistic Minister ministry. With each encounter, with every person, with each passing of the cup and the words, “The blood of Christ, the cup of salvation.” This is a holy moment, in the making eye of contact during the sharing of the bread and wine…this overwhelming sense of Christ’s presence between us and with us.

Eucharistic Visitors

As a Eucharistic Visitor you have the opportunity for worship, prayer and fellowship; and the incomparable privilege of bringing Holy Communion to those “who for reasonable cause cannot be present at a public celebration of the Eucharist” [BCP 396] because they are ill, home-bound, in a hospital or nursing home. You will already have been nurtured and renewed through your participation at the Eucharist, and will be sent forth by the Church with Communion. God will be using you to connect those whom you are visiting with our parish community as a physical presence that says we miss you, we care about you.

Liturgy Planning Team

The Liturgy Planning Team works with the Minister of Music and the Rector to plan and prepare services to create visual expressions meant to enhance the meaning of a particular Sunday or season.


As Lector, or Reader, you have the opportunity to share God’s Word through the reading of the assigned Scripture for that particular Sunday.